News / CFPs

It is with great sadness that the APEAA Board informs you of the passing of Professor António Jorge Gonçalves Rodrigues (1937-2024)


Regarding ESSE Lausanne you may perhaps find the following info helpful:
1/ The Academic Programme Outline with times and rooms can be found here:
2/ The GSN Meeting 😊 Round Table 7) is scheduled for Monday 26, 16:00-18:00. Online participation is also possible.
A central focus will be the situation of junior staff. To turn the round table into a genuine academic community event, colleagues sharing their experiences through brief statements are welcome (intentions indicated in advance will be appreciated). Topics may, for instance, include special difficulties, common but not always clear prerequisites for a career, promising initiatives, and good practices (like mentorship and guidance programmes, writing retreats and writing support groups, well-being and work-life balance workshops).
For more information, see

Deadline: 14 June 2024 Assistant (Pos-Doc Position) University of Innsbruck

The Department of American Studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, has posted the following position: University Assistant (post-doc) starting August 1, 2024. It is a four-year contract with 40 hours per week. Please go to the career portal of the University of Innsbruck for the official (and legally binding) job posting and to apply online:

 The University of Innsbruck strives to increase the percentage of women and thus expressly encourages women to apply.




Extended Deadline: Abstracts: 5 June 2024, Diffraction


Winter Doctoral Symposium, NOVA FCSH, 18-19 November 2024
Deadline for abstracts: 15 June 2024


Curso livre. Estudos em envelhecimento cultural com Zuzanna Zarebska. CEAUL/ULICES/FLUL, 22-23 abril 2024


It is with great sadness that the APEAA Board informs you of the passing of Professor João Almeida Flor (1943-2024)

Professor Catedrático do Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos, foi também Presidente do Conselho Científico da FLUL. Aqui se licenciou em Filologia Germânica (1965), tendo-se doutorado em Literatura Inglesa (1978) com uma tese sobre o tópico da máscara em Robert Browning, tópico, aliás, que o iria acompanhar na leccionação, nomeadamente do seminário de Literatura Inglesa na primeira edição do curso de mestrado em Estudos Anglo-Americanos, na tradução de poetas ingleses e na sua produção ensaística.

A par de uma intensa actividade de orientação de teses e dissertações, através da qual cimentou uma tradição analítica e uma escola, foi impulsionador dos estudos de tradução na área da Anglística, onde deixou vasta e significativa obra que honra o espólio da Faculdade. O seu nome está ainda radicalmente ligado à criação da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos e do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa.

Membro de instituições científicas como a Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, a Academia Portuguesa da História, e a Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, cuja secção Luís de Camões integrava, apesar de aposentado continuou a nelas manter uma intervenção regular, através da qual ia dando a conhecer a investigação que não deixou de prosseguir.

Fonte: Obituário publicado no site da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa



It is with great sadness that the APEAA Board announces the passing of Professor Maria Helena de Paiva Correia (1944-2024)

Doutorada em Shakespeare e Teoria da Comédia, desempenhou um papel especialmente relevante no campo dos estudos de teoria literária, renascentistas e shakespearianos, abrindo ainda o seu labor a universos tão diversificados quanto o português, o australiano e o americano, áreas por onde se repartiu a sua docência bem como a investigação e, tarefa não menos importante, a orientação científico-pedagógica dos muitos que com ela trabalharam. Ao rigor e exigência que sempre pautaram a relação pedagógica que estabeleceu com os inúmeros alunos da FLUL de quem foi professora ou orientadora e com os investigadores do CEAUL sob sua responsabilidade, enquanto directora de projectos, soube aliar uma disponibilidade permanente para a todos ajudar a superar dificuldades, aprofundar perspectivas e fundamentar intuições.

Na Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, foi decisivo o seu contributo no relançamento da oferta curricular da instituição, promovendo, enquanto Presidente do Conselho Científico, a criação dos cursos de especialização de Técnicos Editoriais, Estudos de Teatro, Linguística Computacional e História Regional e Local. Esteve ainda empenhadamente envolvida nos trabalhos da Comissão de Reestruturação dos Cursos de Licenciatura (pré-Bolonha), tendo também colaborado activamente no lançamento dos primeiros cursos de Mestrado do DEA, e sendo autora do projecto-base sobre o qual se procedeu à criação dos Mestrados interdepartamentais em Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Comparada.

Isabel Fernandes e Teresa Cid: Nota de Apresentação. “So long lives this, and this gives life to thee”: Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia. org. Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa… [et al.] Lisboa: Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, 2009, p. 13.


XIV Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 24-29 June 2024

The 21st century has been marked by violence of different varieties and levels. Having started with a massive terrorist event, the attacks of September 11, 2001, the last two decades have witnessed many examples of aggression that have come to dominate both the media and public discussion. Acts of terrorism of various kinds, revolutions and wars, with the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East among the most recent, are illustrative of contemporary warfare, its characteristics, and challenges. While new military technology such as high-tech weapons and attack drones promote more remote, noncontact operations, the ever-present media strive for immediacy and proximity and thus contribute to a new and distinctive experience of war. Their continuous, play-by-play coverage promotes the illusion of a 360º view and allows audiences to follow the events in near-real time. However, their omnipresence has also turned them into desirable instruments of warfare. They not only inform about the war but also have the ability to mobilize for/against it. Furthermore, the rise of social media and its pivotal role in both documenting conflicts and generating and disseminating misinformation cannot be disregarded. As military conflicts unfold, a parallel war is also fought between communication mechanisms. It can even be argued, with Paul Virilio (War and Cinema, 1989), that war, or its experience, is becoming increasingly a product of visual media construction.

Important dates:

Deadline for abstract submissions:March 14, 2024

Presenters are required to send in full papers no later than May 31, 2024.

Registration fees

Participants with paper – 300€ for the entire week (includes lectures, master classes, doctoral sessions, lunches and closing dinner)

Participants without paper – 60€ per day (lunches and closing dinner not included)


II Lisbon Spring School in Translation Studies, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 3-8 June 2024

The II Spring School addresses the topic of translation and agency in multiple forms, from age-old analogies of the past [the translator as matchmaker, as slave to the original, as a cannibal] to the most recent debates on translator intervention and collaborative efforts (see Munday 2008; Cordingley and Frigau Manning 2017) via the decade-old discussions on the (in)visibility (Venuti, 1992, 2018), and voice (Hermans 1996, Andermann 2007, Alvstad et al. 2017). Most recently, attention has focused on the role of the translator and its absolute centrality (see Zethsen and Korning 2009; Milton and Bandia, 2009; Kaindl, Kolb and Schlager, 2021), leading to the emergence of a branch of inquiry aptly named Translator’s Studies. Translators, however, do not exist in a vacuum, and the context they live in, the people they work under or with, the constraints and blindspots of their individual existence do matter and need to be scrutinized. Within this framework, contributions on the historical, political, socioeconomic and imaginative loci of translators, adapters, editors, publishers, proofreaders, reviewers, patrons, clients, etc. are welcome.

Important dates:
Call for Papers: 31 January 2024
Deadline for abstract submission: 29 February 2024
Notification of acceptance: 2 April 2024
Early bird registration: 2 April – 1 May 2024 [350 euros]
Late registration: no later than 15 May 2024 [450 euros]


Francesca Ferrando | Posthuman Love: The Art of Being Posthuman | CETAPS+ Cultures of the Future Talks, 14 February 2024, 5 PM UTC (Lisbon) Online

What is Love? As a celebration of Valentine’s Day in post anthropocentric ways, this book presentation of The Art of Being Posthuman: Who are We in the 21st Century? (Polity), will focus on the notion of posthuman love approached as love for existence. This posthuman journey of self-inquiry will engage with a wide range of knowledge and wisdom: from the Paleolithic times to the futures of radical life extension, from multi-species evolutions to the rights of Nature, the Anthropocene and the rise of Artificial Intelligence. Knowing who we are means loving the Self as the others within. We are one and many: Infinite, Love.

Francesca Ferrando’s outstanding new book The Art of Being Posthuman (Polity) is available here:…
More on CETAPS+ Cultures of the Future here:


Roosevelt Institute for American Studies, Middelburg, 26-28 June 2024 

We welcome proposals for research papers, dissertation chapters or papers presenting an overview of your project. You’ll get the opportunity to present your project and exchange ideas with other PhD candidates in the field. We kindly invite applications from current doctoral candidates whose research covers any aspect of American culture, media, society, politics, or foreign relations, current or historical. Applicants are invited to submit their proposals, consisting of a 300-word abstract and a CV, no later than Friday, 29 March 2024. These should be addressed to the seminar coordinator, Dr. Gaetano di Tommaso, and sent to

To support a culture of diversity and inclusion, we strongly encourage proposals from students that reflect the diversity of our field in terms of gender, ethnicity, and disability.

Accommodation and meals in Middelburg will be provided by the RIAS.

Click here for more information.


Extended Deadline: 11 February 2024, Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy





Conference: Within and Without Old Age: International Symposium on Representations of Ageing

Within & Without III is the third edition of the Within and Without Old Age: International Symposium on Representations of Ageing series and will be held on-line at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES/CEAUL) on 9 January 2024, 9:00 am -1:00 pm (Lisbon time).

It will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas on cultural ageing from multiple perspectives. Within & Without III is an international event bringing together scholars from different universities who will discuss and share research on age-related issues in order to establish new discourses and guidelines for ageing studies in general. The event will also reflect the need to continue speaking about gender equality, vulnerability and the responsibility for the well-being of others. Some of the speakers will include Professor Sarah Falcus (University of Huddersfield, UK), Professor Katsura Sako (University of Keio, Japan) and Professor Heike Hartung (University of Graz, Austria).

The event will be chaired by Professor Zuzanna Zarebska (CEAUL/ULICES/FLUL), the PI of the Women’s Lives in Time: Bodies, Homes and Voices: Ageing Women Research Project. For more information, visit the ULICES website.


37th Annual APPI Conference 2024, Altice Forum Braga, 10-12 May 2024

The theme of this conference is an invitation for speakers and colleagues not only to reflect on our future challenges as EFL teachers but also to address these challenges with their own views and experiences on specific topics that will contribute to excelling in their practices in the classroom: life skills, using English in the real world, inclusion and wellbeing, technology, language assessment, multilingualism, creativity, to name just a few. For more information, click on the link.


Call for Articles: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses

The call for articles is open for issue no. 33 of the Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies. Articles written either in Portuguese or English in accordance with the MLA Style Manual and accompanied by the respective abstract (about one hundred words in English including the title and five keywords) and biographical note (about fifty words in English) should be submitted, in word format, before 30 June 2024, to the following e-mail address: The Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies is published annually, it is subject to double-blind peer reviewing and indexed by SCOPUS. The journal is devoted to the publication of original work which contributes towards a better understanding of Anglo (British and North-American)-Portuguese relations over different periods, and covers a wide range of academic disciplines, including History, Sociology, Philosophy, Science, Economics, Politics, Literature, Journalism, Translation, or the Visual Arts. Irrespective of its publication in printed form, the Journal is released in digital form at


Call for papers: Canadian Anthropocene(s): Pathways to Sustainable Futures / Anthropocène(s) au Canada et développement durable : naviguer les voies de l’avenir, Queen’s University Belfast, 9-11 May 2024

The goal of ACSI is to encourage research and understanding of Canada – its culture, history, institutions and environment.  Our 2024 Biennial Conference welcomes proposals on any dimension of Canadian Studies and from any academic discipline or field of practice.  ACSI greatly values the breadth of contributions that typically characterise our conferences and Canadian Studies at large. This Call for Proposals is for papers, performances, screenings or exhibits on any aspect of Canadian Studies.  Proposals can, if felt appropriate, engage with the conference’s keynote theme – Canadian Anthropocene(s): Pathways to Sustainable Futures / Anthropocène(s) au Canada et développement durable:  naviguer les voies de l’avenir. The deadline for proposals is 22 December 2023. For more information, click here.

Conference: Winter Doctoral Symposium, NOVA FCSH, Colégio Almada Negreiros, 11-12 December 2023

This symposium intends to bring together doctoral candidates and early-career researchers from various academic fields to discuss their work or other topics related to literatures and cultures in English. This Doctoral Symposium will serve as a platform for networking and sharing experiences as early career academic researchers in a supportive and collaborative environment. Keynote Speakers: Teresa Pereira (CETAPS – FCSH/NOVA), Margarida Vale de Gato (CEAUL/ULICES – FLUL). Organizing Committee: Alice Carletto (CETAPS – FCSH/NOVA), Ana Brígida Paiva (CETAPS – FCSH/NOVA), Carlotta Pisano (CETAPS-FCSH/NOVA), Cidalia Barbosa (CETAPS – FCSH/NOVA), Jéssica Bispo (CETAPS – FCSH/NOVA), Mariana Cruz (CETAPS – FCSH/NOVA), Rui Mateus (CETAPS – FCSH/NOVA), Sheila Brannigan (CETAPS – FCSH/NOVA).You can consult the final programme and the book of abstracts here.


Call for Applications: Two positions as Doctoral Research Fellows (SKO 1017), University of Oslo

Two positions as Doctoral Research Fellows (SKO 1017) in area studies are available in the Department of Literature, Area studies and European languages, University of Oslo. Expected start date: 1 September 2024 We seek innovative, curiosity-driven and scientifically strong candidates who want to pursue a doctoral degree in one of our areas of research. The successful candidate should join one of our existing research groups. For more information visit the univerity’s website. Application deadline: 31 January 2024


Seminar: Sobre clínica e criação na cidade através do dispositivo de acompanhamento terapêutico

A Palestra intitulada “Sobre clínica e criação na cidade através do dispositivo de acompanhamento terapêutico,” com a Professora Ana Lúcia Mandelli de Marsillac de Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil vai decorrer no dia 11 de dezembro (segunda-feira) a partir das 17,30 (Hora Portugal Continental) em formato híbrido. Pode ser assistido na sala B112.D da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa ou online através do link

Para obter mais informações sobre o Projeto em Humanidades Médicas (PHM), consulte o website do projeto.


The latest edition of the creative journal ROAM for Summer/Autumn 2023 is out

This issue focused on the theme of (Dis)locations: Shifting Notions of Home and was edited by Jean Page, Mary Fowke and Zuzanna Zarebska. ROAM serves as the creative outlet for the project Representations of Home, RHOME (CEAUL/ULICES). Table of Contents: Swimming Lessons by Olivia Rana / Fledglings by Thomas O. Grady / At the tip of the world’s edge Kaja Rakušček / Finding Home au bord du lac by Rachael Franke / Downsizing by Olivia Dawson / Writing Oneself Home by Lesley Saunders / Trav. 25 de Abril Azoia by Mary St. George / New Landmarks by Jonaki Ray / Technology Transfer Joy Al-Sofi / Weddings by Maria Valle Ribeiro / Things which benefit from disorder by Sónia Aires Lima / Homegrown by Dorothea Boshoff / One Life by José Marques / The scent of the ocean by Gabriel Franklin / A lament for Yiddish by David Sampson / home blues by Carla Soares / Home Sweet Home by Diana V. Almeida

For more information, see…/summer-autumn-2023


Call for Papers: Special Issue: “Book Erased: Print Word Censorship and US National Identity” RSAJournal: Rivista di Studi Americani:

The editors are seeking contributions for a special section on “Book Erased: Print Word Censorship and US National Identity” to be published in Issue #35 (September 2024) of RSAJournal: Rivista di Studi Americani, the official journal of the Italian Association for North American Studies (AISNA). In publishing as well as in educational contexts, works of literature are conventionally classified based on a wide range of criteria such as genre, period of writing, intended readers, subject matter, and the identity markers associated with the author and/or main character(s). Long-standing paradigms of literary merit also ensure a widely shared consensus among readers and professionals in the literary field on the distinction between elite, popular, and mass literature, which until relatively recently has limited scholarly attention to highbrow literary genres. Regardless of classification method and of popular or critical success, however, all books are equally vulnerable to one measure of judgement: censorship. Abstracts of about 300 words and a 150-word bio note should be sent to Elisa Pesce ( and Rachele Dini ( by December 15, 2023. Full essays must be submitted by February 28, 2024 through our online submission platform. For more information, see



Call for papers: EAAS Digital Studies Network, 1st Online Open Forum: European-American Approaches to Digital Humanities, 15 December 2023

You’re cordially invited to the 1st ONLINE OPEN FORUM organized by the EAAS DIGITAL STUDIES NETWORK to be held via ZOOM on December 15, 2023.
Our special event will touch upon Digital Humanities, AI and American Studies.
Our invited speakers are:
Kate Simpson (University of Sheffield, UK) Georg Vogeler (University of Graz, Austria) Manuel Portela (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
The event is coordinated by: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (Tatiani Rapatzikou, Radboud University, The Netherlands (Frank Mehring, University of Graz, Austria (Stefan Brandt, 
For information about the program, please click on this link.
You can access the online event registration form here.
For inquiries, please contact:Stefan Brandt,, Tatiani Rapatzikou,, Tatiani Rapatzikou,


Call for papers: Translating Fantasy

The international research group TRANSIT is accepting submissions for a thematic issue to be published in a Class A journal in 2025.

The aim of the publication is to investigate the peculiarities of the translations of literary and non-literary works of any age and culture focused on fantastic imagery. A unique set of linguistic, cultural, historical, and editorial aspects characterize this type of narratives, which implies the use of particular translation strategies.

For more information, visit the the research group’s website.

Deadline for proposals: February 28, 2024
Deadline for submission: August 31, 2024


Seminar: Online Permanent Seminar with Adelino Cardoso & Joaquim Oliveira Lopes

The upcoming online permanent seminar of the Project in Medical Humanities (PMH) will be given by Professor Adelino Cardoso (CHAM-NOVA-FCSH) on the topic “Melancolias” from a theoretical and personal perspective and by Professor Joaquim Oliveira Lopes (Escola Superior de Enfermagem Lisboa e CIDNUR) with the title “Da relação em enfermagem como um-cuidado-em-si: transformar-se a partir da narração de histórias de vida”. The seminar will take place online via Zoom on November 23, 2023 (Thursday), starting at 5 pm (Lisbon/London/Dublin time). The event is open to the public and can be accessed via this Zoom link.
For further information, visit the project’s website.


Call for papers: Utopia and the Return of History, University of Manchester, 29-30 April 2024

The conference will bring together leading thinkers in the fields of (among others) political economy, utopia studies, digital humanities, Black studies, memory and heritage studies, postcolonial and decolonial thought, renaissance studies, peace studies, war studies, the sociology of literature, and computer game studies to discuss the role that utopia and utopian thinking plays in their efforts to envision societal responses to ongoing and future crises. A key focus of the conference will be on utopian strategies that seek to illuminate structurally ingrained forms of domination by advancing radically different visions of human society. The conference will be organised along three strands, each informed by a concern with future envisionings that overcome one or more of the civilizational challenges identified above: 1. Utopian political economy, 2. Utopian cultures, forms, and visions, 3. Environmental utopias.
Potential contributors are invited to send a title for their talk, a 200-word abstract, and a note of which of the three conference streams pertains most closely to their topic, to by 31st December 2023.
For more information, click here.


Call for papers: Tourism, Arts and Memory(ies), Lille University, 29-39 March 2024

When Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan was released in 1998, many pointed to its realistic D-Day landing sequence which contributed to make the film a vivid testimony to the horrors of wars. The film’s success then led many surviving WW2 veterans and their families, as well as tourists, to walk down WW2 memory lane in even greater numbers, therefore once again showing that tourism, arts and memory(ies) are intertwined. As 2024 will mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landing in Normandy and lead to several celebrations so as to keep alive the memory of that event, this international conference on Tourism, Arts and Memory(ies) intends to study the links between these three notions. Abstracts (ca. 400 words), written in French or in English, together with 3 to 5 key words and a short biographical presentation, should be sent by e-mail no later than January 13, 2024 to both organizers ( and

For further details, click here.


Call for papers: The Beats: Wilderness and WildnessUniversity of Białystok, Poland, 13-15 May 2024

The conference will probe the extent to which Beat aesthetics retains its relevance in the Anthropocene by comparing and contrasting it with contemporary eco-narratives that center on the pressing immediacy of the current biodiversity crisis and the looming environmental collapse. The growingly apparent and dramatic effects of climate change lend a sense of timeliness to interrogating Beat texts in search of understanding the human impact on the global environment and seeking ways of maintaining environmental sustainability. Abstracts (250-300 words) or panel proposals together with a short bio should be sent to conference administrator Raven See at by December 31, 2023.

For additional information, visit the European Beat Studies Network website.


Call for papers: Narratives of Water: Flows, Routes, Crises in the Atlantic World, University of Turin, Italy, 21-22 March 2024.

The conference wishes to explore the multifaceted dimensions of water through literary texts (understood broadly to include also theatre plays, graphic novels, movies, TV series, video games, podcasts, and other cultural products). While Blue Humanities started out focusing primarily on oceans, we encourage scholars interested in submitting a contribution to expand the scope of their investigation also to other waterscapes, including freshwater bodies on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, and to water-related atmospheric phenomena such as rain, snow, hail, and storms.Please, submit a 300-word abstract and short bionote (150 words) to Andrea Carosso,, and Valentina Romanzi,, by December 11, 2023. For more information, click here.


Forthcoming event in Portugal: Epistran International Conference: Epistemic Translation: Towards an Ecology of Knowledges, NOVA FCSH, 14-16 December 2023

This interdisciplinary conference, organized within the ambit of the EPISTRAN project,  draws on both of these proposals to investigate the semiotic processes (verbal and nonverbal) involved in the transfer of information between different ‘epistemic systems’. Its main focus are the transactions occurring between western science (the hegemonic knowledge of the globalized world, which purports to be objective, rational and universal) and the various embedded, embodied and subjective forms of knowledge that have served as its Others in different times and places. It will take place at the NOVA University of Lisbon (Avenida de Berna Campus) from 14th to 16th December and involves speakers from many different cultural and disciplinary backgrounds. For additional information, visit the conference’s website.


Call for papers: New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies VII

NOVA FCSH, 25-26 January 2024

This Symposium aims to provide a forum where students of Translation and Translation Studies can develop their presentation skills in a safe environment. It is part of a broader initiative to develop Translation Studies in Portugal by offering a support framework for young researchers who might wish to go on to pursue a career in the field: hence, feedback will be offered to any participant that actively requests it. The Symposium primarily targets Masters or Doctorate students, though people specializing in Translation at Bachelor’s (licenciatura) and Postdoctoral levels are also welcome. It is open to people from all Portuguese universities and beyond. A short abstract of up to 250 words should be sent to by 7 January 2024, accompanied by a brief biosketch (up to 50 words). If you wish to receive feedback on your presentation from one of the members of staff, please also indicate this on your proposal. For further details, click on this link.


Call for papers: The 2024 TTU Symposium on “Transnational American Studies Revisited”

The Comparative Literature Program at Texas Tech University will host its 2024 annual symposium on “Transnational American Studies Revisited” on April 12-13, 2024. What would American Studies look like if the transnational rather than the national were at its center? It has been twenty years since Shelley Fisher Fishkin first challenged us with the provocative question and articulated the transnational turn in American Studies in her 2004 presidential address to the American Studies Association in Atlanta, Georgia. What has transnational American Studies achieved as an interdisciplinary field in the past twenty years? How has it transformed American Studies in terms of methodology, periodization, and geographical location? How do we employ its critical framework to investigate literary/cultural productions/phenomena on a global scale? What does transnational American Studies mean today when isolationist ideologies are gaining ascendance in the US and China? In what ways has globalization been synonymous with Americanization? Why will transnational American Studies continue to matter in the eras of Covid 19, climate change, and Cold War 2.0? Please send your 100-word abstract and 1-paragraph bio info and direct your questions to Dr. Yuan Shu ( The deadline for submission is December 31, 2023. For more information, click here.


Call for papers: LGBTIQ+ Representations and Media in US Popular Culture: Exploring New Directions, Challenges, and Queer Heritage

Special thematic dossier of the Journal REDEN (Revista Española de Estudios Norteamericanos, editor J. Javier Torres-Fernández (University of Almería): In the ever-evolving landscape of US popular culture, the representation of LGBTIQ+ individuals has undergone profound transformations, reflecting broader societal shifts in attitudes, norms, and activism. Over the years, LGBTIQ+ representation has moved beyond the binary and traditional confines, paving the way for an array of diverse narratives and identities. A recent GLAAD report (2022) found LGBTIQ+ representation on US TV at a high, with nearly 12% of regular characters who are LGBTIQ+, up 2.8% from the previous year. However, the study found that there were shortfalls and missing opportunities to tell a wider range of stories about LGBTIQ+ characters. This special issue aims to examine, critique, and celebrate these representations seeking to foster a comprehensive and interdisciplinary exploration of LGBTIQ+ representations and media in US popular culture. We encourage contributions from scholars across various disciplines, including media studies, cultural studies, sociology, literature, and beyond aiming to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the evolving landscape of queer representation in US popular culture. Deadline for submission: April 15, 2024 | To be published in vol 6 no 1 (November 2024). Deadline for submission: October 15, 2024 | To be published in vol 6 no 2 (May 2025). For further information, click here.